Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Incubation cell (EIIC)

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and incubation cell ( EIIC), JIT
" To Drive visionary ideas to reality through strategic incubation and entrepreneurial empowerment" Mission statement
Our mission is to provide a supportive and dynamic ecosystem of strategic mentorship, cutting-edge resources, a vibrant incubation space and collaborative opportunities that nurtures innovation, empowers aspiring entrepreneurs, and facilitates the incubation of impactful ventures at JIT.
About EIIC cell

The Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Incubation cell (EIIC) was established to motivate students to start their own business venture instead of queuing in job market, to catalyze and promote startups, to guide and support in identifying a platform for commercialization. The cell Promote Invention, Innovation and Incubation under the mentorship of industry experts apart from the expert academicians and advances towards Strengthening Government’s Vision & Mission of innovation entrepreneurship and skill development. The EIIC enables competency development in modern engineering tools that are necessary for product design, development and manufacturing and provide students to gain insights in Industry 4.0 and other disruptive technologies. With modern equipments and the state-of art technologies, this cell ensures employability of the students in industry specific domain. The technical facility and skill- development trainings provided at the cell ensures that students get equipped with most of the perquisites that are essentially required for under graduate students for employability and placement in multi-national companies. The cell motivates and promotes scientific temper among the students and provides a platform to incubate their innovative ideas into commercially viable products. Primarily the cell’s role is to engage large number of faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, problem solving, Proof of concept development, Design thinking, IPR, Project handling and management at Pre- incubation/Incubation stage, etc., so that innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem gets established and stabilized in HEIs.

  •  Creating awareness among the students of the JIT and the educated unemployed youth of Nagpur regarding entrepreneurship as a career option.
  • Conduct training programmes in the field of entrepreneurial skill development.
  • Develop entrepreneurship related course curriculum to incorporate in management and engineering programmes.
  • Provide guidance and facilities to first-time entrepreneurs during gestation.
  • To explore the possibility of commercialization of some of the potential technologies developed by faculty members and students of JIT.
  • To form a Technology Development group in JIT from enthusiastic passed-out students of JIT and thereby motivating for self employment.
  • Facilitating the transfer of technology, commercialisation of R&D output and to create value added jobs & services
Dr. Vandita T Shahu
In-charge EIIC
Assistant Professor ✦Department of Mechanical Engineering ✦Jhulelal institute of technology (JIT), Nagpur

Dr. Vandita T Shahu is working as Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department and looking after EIIC from last two year and working hard to make it a most vibrant cell of the institute. She herself is a role model for innovations and Entrepreneurship for the budding Engineers. She is an amateur Engineer who devotes his most of the time in practicing the Engineering concepts to solve the real time problems. This lead her to become a freelance consultant for variety of Mechanical Engineering industrial problems. 

EIIC members
 Sr.no Name and Designation Position
1 Shri Pramod Pampatwar President
2 Dr. Narendra Bawane, Principal JIT Chairman
3 Dr. Vandita Thantharate Shahu, Assistant professor- ME, JIT Convener
4 Dr. Khushi Sindhi, Associate professor- ETC, JIT Member
5 Prof. Imran Khan , Assistant professor- AIML, JIT Member
6 Prof. Rahul Joge, Assistant professor- EE, JIT Member
7 Prof. Arti Jane, Assistant professor- CSE, JIT Member
8 Ms. Mobina Saifee, Assistant professor- MBA, JIT Member
9 Ms. Pallavi Nawale, Assistant professor- FY, JIT Member
10 Mr. Rajesh Tajane, Director, JIT Entrepreneurial expert
11 Mr. Rahul Mishra , Assistant Director , MSME Industry Expert
12 Mr. Shrikant Kulkarni, MCED , Nagpur Industry Expert
13 Mr. Sarthak joshi , ETC, JIT Student coordinator
14 Mr. Pratik Tikhe, CSE, JIT Student coordinator
15 Mr. Abhay Pardhi, ME, JIT Student coordinator
EIIC celebrated Poster Competition and Innovative projects exhibition Faculty Co-ordinators for poster and project Competition EIIC organised NIVAARAN a 48 hours Ideathon competition EIIC organised NIVAARAN a 48 hours Ideathon competition Felicitation to Innovative Idea winners to present Posters   Mr. Shashikant Choudhary inaugurated Ideathon competition EIIC convenor Dr. Vandita Shahu to address the participants of Innovative Idea competition Mentoring session for the EIIC students Innovative Idea competition -EIIC Students Guiding fellow students for innovative Startup Ideas Felicitation of Dr. Gupta, Associate professor,VNIT as judge for innovative idea competition Mr. Shashikant Choudhary guiding and mentoring students for startups Award winners from different institutes for idea competition and Ideathon Felicitation of Dr. Gupta