Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Electronics and Telecommunication engineering is a constantly changing and widening branch of the engineering. Increased production and the demand by the government, business community, and corporate world contribute in the growth of employment opportunities in the field.Department of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering of Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur is one of the premier departments aimed to provide quality education to the young engineers in the field. The department has excellent infrastructure and the resources in the form of modern equipments, well qualified faculty members, state-of- the-art library which plays an important role in shaping the career of the under graduate and post-graduate scholars in and around the country. The sanctioned intake for UG is 30, PG is 24 and for Ph. D. it is 10. The department plays a pivotal role in laying down road maps in the different research areas such as Power Electronics, RF and Microwave Communications, Signal and Image processing, Microelectronics and VLSI/Embedded Systems. The experienced and learned team of 16 Faculty members having average experience of 10 years, 4 technical supporting staff and 2 nonteaching staff are guiding the students due to which the results of the department stand good in the RTMNU examinations. Innovation Laboratory is there to cater techno brains, State of art Innovation LAB is established in the Department. Using modern tools & software Brainstorming on Projects is done. Students are encouraged to utilize LAB in free time. Live Project, Mini Project; Major Projects are developed through this LAB.



We have ETC department

BTech intake are 60

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is a constantly changing and widening branch of the engineering. Increased production and the demand by the government, business community, and corporate world contribute in the growth of employment opportunities in the field. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur is one of the premier departments aimed to provide quality education to the young engineers in the field.

The department has excellent infrastructure and the resources in the form of modern equipments, well qualified faculty members, state-of- the-art library which plays an important role in shaping the career of the under graduate, post-graduate & research scholars in and around the country. The department plays a pivotal role in laying down road maps in the different research areas such as Power Electronics, RF and Microwave Communications, Signal and Image processing, Microelectronics, and VLSI & Embedded Systems.



Mtech VLSI – 20 Intakes



 Industrial Visit to RRSC Nagpur Industrial Visit to Centre of Excellence, VNIT,  Nagpur  Teachers Day Celebration LIBRARY Activity: Informative Session on NDLI  Ganesh Utsav Celebration PCB Designing Workshop Forum Installation: Project Competetion  


Qualification: B.E, M.TECH  Specialization: AL  & ML, Soft Computing, Image Processing

It gives me immense pleasure in introducing the Department of Electronics & Telecommunication (ETC) which was established in 2009. Living up to its vision, the department provides in-depth knowledge and develop skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, system implementation, operation, production, and maintenance of the various applications in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication.

In order to facilitate the student’s learning process, the department has a team of well qualified, experienced and learned teachers which puts great efforts in helping the students become competent. The department rigorously follows Outcome Based Education (OBE) in its teaching learning process and provides all the required platforms like student forum, ISTE and IEEE student chapters, IIT certifications, industrial visits, CRTs, technical & cultural festivals and alumni interaction for their overall development. Additional enrichment programs like guest lectures, workshops, STTPs are organized to ensure that the students are abreast with the technology. The mentor mentee scheme practiced by the department assists the students in achieving academic and personal excellence.

The department has state of the art infrastructure with well-equipped laboratories, departmental library, Electronics for You laboratory, seminar hall and spacious classrooms. The provision of Innovation & Project Laboratory encourages research, development, innovation and help the students become technically sound. Students are also encouraged to undergo supervised practical training in different industries so as to get hands on experience and become employable technocrats.

The department has always been credited with university toppers and a good placement record and similar results are expected in future. Alongside the technical, academic and personal development, the department also inculcates ethics in its students and motivates them to serve their motherland through techno-social development.

We, at ETC, leave no stone unturned in order to help our students grow.

Faculty : </tr
Sr.No. Name Designation
1 Prof.Urvashi  Agrawal HOD
2 Dr. Khushi Sindhi Dean Planning and Development
3 Prof.Mahadev Someshwar Mahajan COE
4 Prof.Sanjay Murlidhar Balwani Assistant Professor
5 Prof.Parinay Raju Lavatre Assistant Professor
6 Prof.Pooja Pote Assistant Professor
7 Prof.Chandrashekhar Kalbande Assistant Professor
8 Prof.Nitin Khadane Assistant Professor
9 Mr.Chandrakumar Thadhani Assistant Professor
1 Dr.Narendra Ganpatrao Bawane Professor
2 Dr.Shubhangi  Khodaskar Professor


Forum Activities - ZEAL Guest Lectures

Forum Activities - ZEAL Workshops
Sr.No Name of Faculty Faculty Achievement Research Contribution (Books/ Chapters/Monograph/Patent) Research Contribution (Paper Publications in Unpaid Scopus) Link of paper Any Other Special Achievement of faculty
1 Prof. Urvashi Agrawal 1. Received Best Paper Certificate in IEEE international conference on innovation & challenges in emerging technologies - June 2024 One Book Published on Microstrategy- A Business Intelligence tool in Lambert Publications 1. Research Paper published in IEEE international conference on Electronics & sustainable communication systems on "Revealation of adulteration in ghee by fumigation method & random forest algorithm" on 6-8 July 2023 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10193137/ 1. Completed NPTEL domain certification in Data Science ( Computer Science) 2. Worked as a Reviewer in IEEE Interantional Conference 3. Recognised as NPTEL discipline Star 4. Amongst 5% topper in nptel certification on " Introduction to Machine Learning" during Jan-April 2024. 5. Completed in all 5 Nptel certification for the session 2023-24 in which got silver medal in one and topper in 1
Design of EEG based thought identification system using EMD & deep neural network*" in SCIE Journal "Scientific Reports". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39496663/  
2 Prof.Mahadev Mahajan   Research Paper pubulish in Scopus "Localizing Mobile Target using Kalman Filtering and Least Square Boosting Ensemble Learning based Approach"Vol.34 No.1(2024) https://internationalpubls.com/index.php/pmj/article/view/904  
3 Dr.Khushi Sindhi   Research Paper pubulish in Scopus indexed"Novel framework for evaluating covert channel and its countermeasure in network protocols" https://nano-ntp.com/index.php/nano/article/view/755 RAC Member of RTMNU Electronics
“ 3D Simulation-Based Comparison of Bulk Acoustic Wave FBAR and SMR Technology” https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.internationaljournalssrg.org/IJEEE/2024/Volume11-Issue10/IJEEE-V11I10P115.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwim3-vB0cqJAxXnslYBHYWNNA0QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0VrVh6vM4e5LU6Y4IZjeDJ Memeber ofRTMNU committee for new course approval at YCCE
    Session Chair of international conference on"innovation and challenges in emerging technologies(IEEE-ICICET-24) IN Jhulelal Institute of Technology
Sr. No. Year Name of the staff Achievement
1 2023-24 Mr. Anil Bavaskar NPTEL certification in Accrediation and Outcome Based Learning
2 Mrs. Urvashi Agrawal 1. NPTEL certification in Accrediation and Outcome Based Learning                       2. NPTEL certification in Data science for Engineers               3.NPTEL certification in Computer Vision
3 Mr. Parinay Lavatre NPTEL certification in Accrediation and Outcome Based Learning
4 Ms.Shreya Umap NPTEL certification in Accrediation and Outcome Based Learning
5 Mrs.Smita Matte NPTEL certification in Accrediation and Outcome Based Learning
6 Ms. Pooja Pote NPTEL certification in Accrediation and Outcome Based Learning
Sr no. Name Student (Placed) Program Graduated from Name of Employer
1 Sagar Chatap ETC CMS IT, Nagpur
2 Mayur Shembekar ETC CMS IT, Nagpur
3 Harsh Kathoute ETC Green Engineering
4 Drishti Chandwani ETC Accenture India
5 Sarthak Chandekar ETC Collebra
6 Arpita Walvatkar ETC Q-Spider
7 Irshad Thara ETC Q-Spider
8 Nayan Dhawle ETC Flash electronics
9 Vinay Uikey ETC Flash electronics
10 Vikas Kawale ETC Flash electronics
11 Prajwal Chichkhede ETC Flash electronics
12 Chandani Dipak Atraye ETC Flash electronics
13 Pushpa Wadbudhe ETC Kodnest


electoElectronics and Telecommunication engineering is a constantly changing and widening branch of the engineering. Increased production and the demand by the government, business community, and corporate world contribute in the growth of employment opportunities in the field. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering of Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur is one of the premier departments aimed to provide quality education to the young engineers in the field. The department has excellent infrastructure and the resources in the form of modern equipments, well qualified faculty members, state-of- the-art library which plays an important role in shaping the career of the under graduate and post-graduate scholars in and around the country. The sanctioned intake for UG is 60, and for PG it is 24. The department plays a pivotal role in laying down road maps in the different research areas such as Power Electronics, RF and Microwave Communications, Signal and Image processing, Microelectronics and VLSI/Embedded Systems. The experienced and learned team of 16 Faculty members having average experience of 10 years, 4 technical supporting staff and 2 nonteaching staff are guiding the students due to which the results of the department stand good in the RTMNU examinations

Vision & Mission


To be recognized as a center of excellence in electronics education through innovation and to create proficient professionals.


1. To entrust the students with fundamentals and advanced knowledge of Electronics and       Telecommunication Engineering for successful career.
2. To keep abreast with latest technological innovation to enhance product and research  & development activities.
3. To function collaboratively with technical Institute / Universities / Industries.
4.To serve the nation through techno-social development.

Salient Features

Innovation Laboratory:

To cater techno brains, State of art Innovation LAB is established in the Department. Using modern tools & software Brainstorming on Projects is done. Students are encouraged to utilize LAB in free time. Live Project, Mini Project; Major Projects are developed through this LAB.

➢ Departmental Library:
In addition to a huge Institute library, department has a Library for students to make notes and prepare for seminars & research work.

 Electronics for You Laboratory (HOBBY CLUB):
Jhulelal Institute of Technology is amongst very few institutes where EFY hobby club has been working indigenously for development of students. Students have 24X7 accesses to different development boards and collection of books & magazines. Hands-on training is provided to students for getting breakthroughs.

➢ Mentoring:
Mentorship is the influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor. Individual mentoring is done at departmental level to help overall development of the students & to solve their any difficulties.

➢ Student Forum (ZEAL):
Students Forum for inculcating values, ethics & skills like leadership in students to help them grow and become successful in their life.

➢ Live Projects & Internship:
Live Projects & Internship to gain hands-on experience in solving the live problems faced by company. This helps student’s gain knowledge.

➢ Industrial Visits:
Main aim of industrial visit is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment. They also provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial practices.

 Soft Skill Development:
Soft skills are attributes that enable you to engage in meaningful interactions with others. Since most jobs require teamwork, it is important to possess soft skills to enhance your employability and achieve your dream job. Such soft skill sessions are conducted.

➢ Technical Skill Development:
In today’s age of globalisation and technological volatility, skill building is an important instrument to increase the efficacy and quality. Various Technical workshops & seminars to enhance learning are conducted.

➢ GATE Coaching:
Dedicated lecturers specifically for GATE are arranged & Topic wise lectures are conducted. Students are thoroughly informed everything about GATE exam. Methods to solve problems quickly, Evaluation & Doubt clearing session are also conducted.

➢ Guidance on GRE, TOEFL & other Competitive Examinations:
Department also undertakes activities like creating awareness amongst the students about latest trends and opportunities in Competitive Banking Examinations. It also views to induce general reading, general observation and thinking power for reasoning and courage for facing various Competitive Exams.

➢ Career Counselling:
Career counselling to help them understand the career options that they have and how to pursue them. To make them understand their own strengths and weaknesses with regards to their present course.