Women Empowerment Cell

Women Empowerment

  • Create social awareness about the problems of women and in particular regarding gender discrimination.


To create awareness of the women’s rights and to empower women.


  • To create social awareness about the problems of women; in particular regarding gender discrimination.
  • To develop the self confidence in women.
  • To guide about women the welfare laws.
  •   To assert the importance of spiritual, economic, social, racial and gender equality.  
  •  To highlight the importance of health and hygiene.
  •   To direct women’s role in the society.
  • To develop multidisciplinary approach for the overall personality development.
  • To organize seminars, workshops relating to women development.
  • To prevent sexual harassment and to promote general well-being of female students, teaching and non teaching women staff of the college.
  • Identification of strong leadership and change makers and build their capacity.
  • To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • The provision of opportunities and programs for female gender to be financially, mentally and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
  • To help the self help group women to get financial support by identifying the sources.
  • To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls, scientists at the earliest so that they can be “job givers” rather than “job takers”.
  • Encourage people to work in the area of women’s development through the activities of the cell.
  • Organize seminars, workshops for creating general awareness and orientation of students, teachers, and non-teaching staff for their active and sustained participation in the activities of cell.
  • Organize various types of training programs and create awareness about self-employment schemes for the encouragement of self-reliance among women.
Roles & Functions:-
  • To encourage involvement through academic, cultural and outreach activities such as talks, seminars, workshops, community action, drama, street theatre, poster-making etc.
  • To become a resource centre for women and provide a forum for exchange of ideas.
  • To review safety and security measures for female employees and girl students at JIT campus.
  • The cell intends to bring girl students to the forefront of different activities in the college by offering various facilities and benefits to them. It provides a platform for the female students to explore their co-curricular abilities.

Session: 2022-23

Committee Members of the Women Empowerment Cell
Sr. No. Name Post Designation
1 Dr. Madhavi Wairagade,  Director Chairperson
2 Dr. Narendra Bawane,  Principal Member Secretary
3 Prof. Urvashi Agrawal,  Assistant Professor, ETC Dept. Coordinator
4 Prof. Gunjan Jewani,   Assistant Professor, CSE Dept. Member
5 Prof. Ashwini Dharkar,  Assistant Professor, First Year Dept. Member
6 Prof. Tanu Gautam, Assistant Professor, MBA Dept. Member
7 Prof. Ruchi Astonkar,  Assistant Professor, EE Dept. Member
8 Dr. Vandita Shahu Assistant Professor, ME Dept. Member

A Report on Session by Mrs. Beena Mathew, Director Mathew Academy Session On

“Be kind to yourself”


Floral welcome of Mrs. Beena Mathew by Ms. Mona Mulchandani, Dean Academics & Quality Assurance, HoD CSE

Women Empowertment Cell, Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur had organized a session on “Self Compassion - Be kind to yourself”.

Mrs. Beena Mathew, Director Mathew, Nagpur was the expert speaker for session, Ms. Mona Mulchandani, Dean Academics & Quality Assurance, HoD CSE welcomed her and Ms. Simran Kaur Virdi, Student CSE introduced the speaker.

Mrs. Beena Mathew enhanced the topic “Be kind to yourself ", she stated are we kind to ourself ???. She told that kindness is of three types which are anxiety, Self Critic, over thinking. Anxiety - we are always attracted by negative things.  So don't you think let's people speak it is the job of people to speak. We shouldn't pay attention to what they say. She stated what is anxiety? - using charm of calmness. Also gives explained the meaning of self-critic - The word criticism is synonymous with judgment, opinion, and assessment. She defines Self-criticism means directing all this evaluation toward you.  We are sometimes jealous about other that they become more beautiful than me. So we should have to love ourself only. The only solution is "self talk" towards yourself all problems would gone. The dialogue quoted by her " Mein Apni Khudki Favourite hu " grabs attention of everyone. Low feel energy never ever work, so take a small baby steps.

And most importantly 3 things are • Emotionally - Stronger   • financially - Powerful   • physically - healthy.

We have to become stronger   in our emotions no one can affect it. We have to become financially Powerful so we have right to take our own decision.  You can never be free; women can never be free. You can make for bigger things always remember that.  We have to become physically healthy also to fight for all those things. Your confidence should not be on one basket, you are way beyond yourself. Always remember these lines for you “I'm way beyond beautiful than my physical self”. Be compassionate towards yourself. 

More than 100 participants attended and were benefited by the event. Ms. Shilpa Lalwani, Student CSE concluded the session with vote of thanks. Dr. Narendra Bawane Principal of JIT, Dr. Madhavi Wairagade Executive Director & Adivisor, Ms. Mona Mulchandani Dean Academics and all other faculties has wished the event all the success.

Session Photos: 

A Report on Session by Ms. Meghna Dubey, Trainer Mahindra Pride Classroom (Naandi Foundation) Session On

“Why women are good HR Manager?”

Ms. Meghna Dubey along with Director, Principal and students.

Women Empowerment Cell, Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur had organized a session on 25th November, 2022 “Seminar – Why women are good HR Manager” in association with JIT-Training & Placement Cell as they conducted training event for girl students for consecutive five days.

Ms. Meghna Dubey, Trainer Mahindra Pride Classroom (Naandi Foundation), Nagpur was the expert speaker for session.  Director Dr. Madhavi Wairagade and Principal Dr. Narendra  Bawane welcomed her while  Ms. Sanjana Shahu, studentfrom  Dept of ME has introduced the speaker.

Ms. Meghna Dubey  briefed the  topic “Why women are good HR Manager? ", with stating the Stats and facts first — Around 70 percent of the HR population (at manager level) are women. This 70 percent is sub-divided as 40 and 30 in marketing and manufacturing firms respectively. Talking about my personal experience — There are a total of 3 HRs working at my firm and guess what? All of them are women! Cool! Isn’t it? Then she briefed the session by mentioning key points with which women are born with-

Interpersonal Skills

Good interpersonal skills. Yes! Google it yourself -“Top qualities needed in HR”, it will be cleared then and there. To be a successful HR you really need to be social. Effective communication is a skill that they inherently possess. An HR is required to communicate with a lot of candidates for interviewing purposes, reporting to subordinates, attending budget meetings, etc. And admit it — Women are much better than men when it comes to socializing.

Emotional Intelligence

Women are considered to have a better EI (Emotional Intelligence) score compared to men. Such quality in addition to being social gives you a plus point in the HR field. Good emotion control and being able to communicate better irrespective of your mental state paves you to HR success.

Management Skills

The most obvious and basic requirement of an HR manager is? Of course management! And don’t say that you are not aware of the truth that, women are better than men at managing. What’s the expected outcome of effective management? The maximum engagement of workers is seen with the maximum presence of females at the place. Don’t get me wrong, it’s just what stats speak.

The session was concluded with vote of thanks given by Ms. Dolly wadhwani, student from Dept of ETC.

Session Photos:

A Report on training on “Self Defense” by Semsei Saloni Jambhulkar and Semsei Niharika Nagdeve

Welcome of Semsei Saloni Jambhulkar and Semsei Niharika Nagdeve by

Ms. Urvashi Agrawal, Coordinator, Women Empowerment Cell

Women Empowertment Cell,Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpurhad organized training on“Self Defense”, Semsei SaloinJ ambhulkar and Semsei Niharika Nagdeve was the expert trainers for session, Ms. Urvashi Agrawal, Coordinator, Women Empowerment Cell welcomed them and Ms. RushaliWaghmare, Student CSE introduced the trainers.

Semsei Niharika Nagdeve enhanced the topic “Self Defense ", she stated our body is weapon use it properly. Many styles of martial arts are practiced for self-defense or include self-defense techniques. Some styles train primarily for self-defense, while other combat sports can be effectively applied for self-defense. Some martial arts train how to escape from a knife or gun situation or how to break away from a punch, while others train how to attack. To provide more practical self-defense, many modern martial arts schools now use a combination of martial arts styles and techniques, and will often customize self-defense training to suit individual participants.
Four elements are required for self-defense:
(1) an unprovoked attack,
(2) which threatens imminent injury or death, and
(3) an objectively reasonable degree of force, used in response to
(4) an objectively reasonable fear of injury or death. After that Semsei Saloni Jambhulkar and Semsei Niharika Nagdeve started with training session with the girls students They trained students about how to use their hands and legs with basic movements to defend themselves in any danger. 

More than 100 participants attended and were benefited by the event. Ms. Rushali Waghmare, Student CSE concluded the session with vote of thanks. Dr. Narendra Bawane Principal of JIT, Dr. Madhavi Wairagade Executive Director &Adivisor, Ms. Mona Mulchandani Dean Academics and all other faculties has wished the event all the success.

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